
A call to prayer for Mission First!

Mission First

Prayer will be a major part of our preparation for a mighty movement of God.  So …

Disciples, let us pray! Let's open our spirits to the Spirit of God as we seek to make a difference through Mission First!

Mission First! prompts Disciples to listen for God's call to mission in the 21st century world. It is also a 2-year pilot of a model for identifying shared mission for our entire Church and working in partnership to fulfill it. At the heart of Mission First! are Mission Gatherings which will take place in 2016. All Disciples are invited to participate and share their congregation's particular passion within God's larger mission as well as be inspired to action by the stories of others.

As we prepare and implement Mission Gatherings, let's listen to the Spirit. Let's pray for a shared sense of call within God's larger mission; that we will identify ways to work together that we may never have dreamed of before. Let's seek God's inspiration and leadership as we put God's Mission First! among Disciples. Let us bathe Mission First! in intentional prayer and action.

Beginning in October, you will receive a weekly e-mail prompt for prayer and action.  Thank you in advance for your participation through prayer. Click here to learn more about Mission Gatherings near you or more information about prayer teams and other ways to support!