Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018

A mystery!

I don’t know fall-treemore than I know.

There are mysteries woven into the fabric of our lives.

What is love?  “I love you.”  What do those words mean?

The randomness of disease and suffering which besets good people — I don’t know.

I will never be able to walk into a room to be with a family and be able to explain why and why now.

Tell me what is beautiful.

There are just some things for which there are no final answers.

Oh, we may have our own explanations and reasons for things, but they are our own.

Why did Jesus tell us to ask, if we do not get exactly what we ask for? Well!

God is a mystery.  Anything less would make God a figment of our own imaginations.

But I am willing to let God be God.

I am not God, but I am created in God’s image. We all are.

We spend the rest of our lives trying to understand what that means.

I can live with that.

It is a mystery into which I live each and every day.

My faith makes this possible.

Moving to the deeper places,