
Camp ‘Wee’ Kon-da Ho!

campsignVacation Bible School begins next week! 

July 6th-10th, 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for children ages Pre-School through 4th Grade. Children and volunteers will begin each evening with a fellowship meal and spend time together singing and celebrating, learning and playing. Join us for church-camp adventures as we explore God’s transformative work in the world through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Sign-up to lend a hand if haven't already done so! We can still use help in the following areas:

  • Dinner/Canteen
  • Registration
  • Keynotes/Storytelling
  • Small Group Leaders
  • Set Construction & Deconstruction Afterwards
  • Helping Hands & Prayerful Hearts

Our mission project for the week will be to collect items used at Camp Wakon Da Ho. Any and all donations are welcomed!:

  • Craft Supplies (construction paper, scissors, paints, paint brushes, tie-dye dyes, markers, crayons, storage bins)
  • Office Supplies (copy paper, hole punch, paper clips, high lighters, pens, pencils)
  • Cleaning Supplies (disinfectant wipes, glass cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, dish rags, dish towels, toilet bowl brushes, toilet bowl cleaner, brooms, dustpans, small garbage cans)
  • Recreational Equipment (four-square balls, hula hoops, basket balls, volley balls, soccer balls, orange cones, bandanas)

Come spend a week of great fun with us!