Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018

Committed Christians

renewal2The Renewal Team selected three priorities on which to focus during February,March and April.

Those priorities were worship, prayer and evangelism/outreach.

Sub-teams of four to five members have been meeting in homes, sometimes over a meal, discussing openly and honestly how we can be better in each of these topics.

The whole Renewal Team will meet Sunday, March 6, at 4:30 p.m. to discuss our progress in each of these areas of emphasis.

Then, we will begin inviting the congregation to join us in addressing how we can enhance our ministries.

We believe that this process does not have a target date for conclusion. If we improve we will still have room for ongoing improvement.

What is most exciting for me is to see us energized by the participation and creative thought of committed Christians to the process of worship, prayer and evangelism/outreach.

Thanks to each one of the members of the Renewal Team.

Moving to the deeper places,