Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018

Jeff's Journal

Today, members and other regular givers to the church

   received their giving statements for 2011.

In your statement is a summary of giving

   for the past year compared to whatever pledge that was made.

My family was able to give 17% more than we pledged.

  In the areas of special offerings, we could have done better.

I want to thank Charlotte Owens, our Financial Secretary,

   for keeping such accurate and comprehensive records,

   and for managing our finances so capably.

Last May, when there were was some discontent regarding

   simply, the lack of knowledge of our overall financial

   situation at the church, Charlotte did a masterful job

      of presenting information which satisfied virtually

      everyone with whom I spoke about it.

That not only allowed us to proceed with a budget

   for 2011, but it set the stage for a dramatic rise in

   pledges from the previous year and put us in good

   shape for 2012.

The records Charlotte keeps are remarkably detailed.

   She has a handle on all our income from

     our investments and how all the special funds

      work together to bless the church.

She is always glad to answer any question you might

   have about the church's finances.

We are very fortunate to have Charlotte giving

   oversight and management to the financial

   affairs of the church.

Tell her thank you when you see her.

Moving to the deeper places,
