
On Light

lift-up-the-light-cover-2-1024x1024I once visited an antique store where a beautiful gas-light fixture was displayed for sale. As I examined this fixture, I imagined how it could be re-wired to fit today’s electrical standards and hung in one of the rooms of my house. The salesperson, seeing my interest, began her sales pitch to convince me that this purchase was right for me. When I told her of my intent, her face saddened. She could not imagine why I would want to take such a beautiful relic of the past and rework it with such modernity as electricity. Her point: it was a beautiful work of art and the fact that it was still fitted for gas lighting was an oddity worth preserving. The original purpose of this relic was not just to be beautiful, but to illuminate. Providing light for the occupants of the room was the designer’s intent when they brought this item into being…even though they did pay special attention to detail and aesthetics.

THE Light, that is the original purpose of the church. SharingTHE Light with others. Reflecting THE Light when we encounter people in this world. Revealing THE Light in life situations. Pointing out those instances where THE Light is hidden. These are all part of our call to become one with THE Light. While we may want ourselves and our spaces to be appealing to the onlooker…we’re supposed to be primarily concerned with LIGHT. Our congregation and our people are forever supposed to be about the business of pointing others to Christ. The things that we do, the words we say…and the moments when we fail to speak out all tell others about our walk with Christ.

The crowds of Jerusalem welcomed Jesus with shouts of joy and parades. We can all envision laughter and joy…children skipping along the roadside. As that week wore on, those crowds began to take a darker turn. Joy turned to anger. Hosannas turned to Crucify. A mood of welcome became something sinister. Darkness sought to overtake Light….but it did not.

Regardless of the fact that his disciples abandoned him. Regardless of the betrayal of a trusted friend. Regardless of the fact that throughout the angry mob, only the loving gaze of his mother and a few other powerless women were there to mirror love and compassion. Regardless of the horrific suffering that was heaped upon him. Regardless of the agony…Love and Light conquered Darkness and Hatred.

That is what we are to be about. Whenever we see suffering, whenever we see pain, whenever we see anger and malice, where we see injustice and misery…that is when we are to step in and shed a little Light, a little Love, a little mercy, compassion and to work diligently for justice.

Don’t forget your original purpose, no matter what kind of relic we become…may we never lose our ability to share Light…and may we never become unwilling to sacrifice some of our structures to become Light-bearers in a changing world.
