
Peace, Wholeness, Shalom

Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace during a storm.


     Life has a way of recreating itself. This is a lesson we should learn and not fight against. We hurt when things would pass away from us, whether it is a lost opportunity, a lost pet, or a lost person. We close ourselves off from the possibility that anything of value could come from these losses. Yet all things are eventually replaced and those hurt feelings are eventually recovered and recreated into feelings of renewal, rebirth and life begins again, anew.

     There are many moments in life when we find ourselves squarely in the middle of a passing away. We are hurt, alone and bewildered by our circumstances and wonder how we can ever go on. Do not worry, this too shall pass. This cold winter of a moment will break into a sunny spring of a future. The waves of despair may try to overcome, but will eventually rest into a gentle lull of rocking that will bring much needed rest from the storms of life.

    Today I am reminded of the story of when Jesus' disciples gathered in a boat on the Sea of Galilee and while he slept a great storm arose and threatened to overtake the disciples. They woke their friend and master and begged him to save them from the terror of the moment in which they found themselves. Jesus simply commanded nature to 'Be still, Shalom, Peace.'

    In the story of the hemorrhaging woman touching Jesus' garment in order to obtain healing, the gospel writers refer to a term called, 'sozo'. Sozo is not a term for healing from physical ailments, but is a term used to explain wholeness. A wellbeing that transcends what the body is capable of and only comes to us through our faith in Christ.

     While our storms and God's response to our pleas are not as dramatic as Jesus' response to his disciples or the woman's miraculous healing, we still have a source of strength to call on in our time of need. God's answer usually does not include returning a lost loved one or a reversal of opportunities, or even an immediate end to that which ails us…sometimes the answer is simply, "I am here with you." Once we make it through these moments we see our situations with new perspectives. Sometimes we see where there are others who came to our aide, sometimes someone new enters into our lives and blesses us in ways we never thought possible, sometimes we are simply left with a wonderful lifetime of memories to keep ourselves content. Throughout all, God is with us and life continues to move forward…continually recreating itself in newness each day.   

Throughout the storms of life remember these words…"There can be no comings if there are no goings. Life can't be recreated if there is no passing away. And,  sometimes it IS darkest before daybreak."

And through all things remember the One who sustains us all through it all. For you during the storm, my wish for you is 'Peace, Wholeness, Shalom.'



(This meditation was helped along by a reading from Easy Does It by Hazelden Foundation, 1999.)