Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018

Preparing for take off…

People have boarded the rerenewalnewal plane.

The engines are being warmed up, systems are being checked, soon the airplane of renewal will be taxiing to the runway for take off.

For now the pilots and crew (the Renewal Team) are checking the flaps, ramping up the cabin pressure, reviewing possible destinations and preparing to give instructions for safety to the passengers.

Well, the analogy reflects where we are with the renewal effort.

At Sunday's meeting, the team set a direction in which to proceed, that proved to be satisfactory to the members in attendance.

The plane of renewal hasn't really headed down the runway yet. Sub-team meetings will take place soon and the congregation will be involved in the process in a month or so.

It is at that point, that decisions may be made which will provide that rush of "take off" for our renewal effort.

We can be better. God will lead us to our destination(s).

Trust God to do this for us and with us.

Moving to the deeper places,