Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018

The moment…

Please read Mark 9Jesus from the mountain:2-9

Here we are halfway between his baptism and his resurrection.

Jesus selects two of his more loyal, wise and perceptive leaders among the disciples.

They go to a mountain and Jesus begins to glow in the most spectacularly radiant glow you can imagine. This is awe inspiring stuff, which is not your everyday occurrence.

They are still struggling to understand the holy fullness of who Jesus is.  Jesus is still being confused with Elijah and Moses.

This is the moment to dispel such rumors and capture the righteous holiness who is the man from Nazareth.

The message comes. “I represent what is real. This world is not ‘real.’”  God is the final reality, the wholeness you seek.

We regularly pursue that which “rust will destroy and thieves will break in and steal.”

Jesus says that there is more and it is better.

Moving to the deeper places,