
Whole: A Call to Unity in our Fragmented World

Sharon Watkins_WholeThe Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has long been a movement for unity, compassion and justice in a world fraught with dissention, callousness and injustice. I say ‘movement’ instead of denomination, because we did not agree to be a denomination until the 1960s when the church adopted a plan to restructure the organization. Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, our current General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada, tells the stories of Disciples of Christ individuals and churches in the context of what our church is called to be and do as we move deeper into the 21st century in her new book, “Whole”.  

Rev. Watkins wrote this book with the individual in mind, to help us clarify our identity as a denomination. She believes, as do I, that we are a church whose time has come, a community of faith that makes particular sense for the 21st century. We are a church with a message and a way of being that works for this time in our world. The book also appeals to the non-Disciples as an introduction to a specific branch of the Christian family that is not always as well-known as some others. We have a story the world needs to hear. I have often said that we, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), are the best kept secret out there! We offer the hope that humanity can live together with our diversity as a cherished gift. Diversity is what we do best…whether it is working with the diversity within our own congregation or with the diversity the world offers. We have been at this task, seeking unity, since our inception as this great nation was struggling through its own birth years. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination has settled on the premise that Jesus Christ worked for unity, for justice and for mercy…we should do no less as his followers.

The Christian Education Team would like to offer a study of the denomination through Dr. Watkins’ book, “Whole: A Call to Unity in our Fragmented World.” Please consider entering into a study of our wonderful denomination…even if you were born and raised in its teachings. We have so much to offer the world. Renew yourself to the reasons why we should be shouting to the mountaintops for all the world to hear what we have to offer. If you choose to order this book on your own, please order from Chalice Press. All proceeds from the sales of books though Chalice Press will go to Disciples Mission Fund.
