

I write and speak infrequently about money.
One reason is that you are so generous.
Another reason is that at the end of each year we have squeezed under the finish line, having been able to pay all bills and meet all obligations.
Still, with three Sundays to go in the year I want to appeal to you to finish the year strong in our stewardship.
Pledges need to be fulfilled.  Over and above offerings are appropriate for those generously blessed with financial resources.
Completing pledges to the Renovation Fund would be a blessing as we are only about $44,000 from retiring that debt.
Abundant gifts should not be beyond consideration.
We would all be touched by extreme generosity.
How we finish our giving in 2012, establishes how we will begin 2013.
Examine your giving which, with few exceptions, you have been able to do without breaking a sweat.
If you choose to do this, you will be blessing the Kingdom of God on earth and all his people whom we welcome everyday.
Your joy will be multiplied beyond your expectations.

Moving to the deeper places,