Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018

More interesting information…


…We learned at the Board meeting that we are $8,000 ahead of budgeted need for the year.

…Kendal Butler, who has worshipped with us some lately, brought three dozen fresh eggs for distribution. Upon opening the container, we discovered that most of the eggs shells were a natural pastel green. Thanks Kendall for your generosity.

…At latest count, we have added 16 new members to the life of First Christian this year.

…The Courageous study may be the beginning of a new men’s ministry.

…There are two young men who do not have families who are joining in the Courageous study to prepare themselves for the day they will have families. I am so impressed with their decision to participate.

…Tabitha Parker has been accepted into the Air Force ROTC program at Scott County High School for her freshman year.

…Happy Father’s Day to all men who have had a role in leading and  mentoring children.

…The Outreach Committee, working with Tracy and myself, are actively planning a mission trip for somewhere within a day’s drive of Paris, for 2014. This will include adults and youth.

…The Membership Committee has prepared packets of information for new members. They are also preparing a simple gift to be given to first time visitors.

…Jim Lovell was elected by the board your new moderator beginning July 1. Travis Cook, once confirmed at the congregational meeting, will be your new vice-moderator.

…There will be a congregational meeting on June 23rd to approve the new slate of officers and board members.

…The bird, which was found in the parking lot a week ago Sunday, stayed in its original location for about 24 hours. It then moved up close to the church building. After about three days the bird and its chick disappeared. The amazing thing about this bird is how completely still it would remain regardless of how close you came to it.

…Thanks to the many church members who witness to their faith on Facebook.

Moving to the deeper places,
