Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018News

Please read Luke 10:1-12; 16-20

UnityJesus had his limitations. He could not be everywhere all the time.

He could not be all things to all people in the days he walked the earth.

This was the limitation of his physical presence. Even after his death and the advent of the Holy Spirit, Jesus needed us to bear the cross and move out and among the people.

Luke speaks of the mission of the seventy. He said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”

This may be true today.  Did you know 6.3 people out of every ten, do not attend church?

That means that if you take a  random 10 people, you are in the minority of people who go to church.

That means some of those folks either don’t understand the faith or do, and reject it.

Worship attendance is down 2% nationally from what it was 10 years ago.

This means the “harvest” of  those who are potential members has “increased.”

What are we doing to reach  out to this population?

I believe our movement has  a message of love, grace,  faith and reason that has somewhat of a unique place among the religions of the world.

We seek to deepen our convictions, through thought, study, reason and certainly a faithful response to the scriptures.

We do not just tolerate, but value our brothers and sisters in Christ. We do not always agree with them or each other but we co-exist in a relationship where we do not demean or devalue other’s faith traditions and personal beliefs.

More later.

Moving to the deeper places,