
Possible New Children’s Handbell Choir

Children's HandbellsIn order to justify investing the time to plan and implement this program, as well as the funds for the equipment, we need commitment from parents…Commitment to have your kids here for practices and performances as much as possible and commitment to help out on a rotating basis if we have a good sized group with which to work.
These bells are color coded and songs are charted according to colors. The music director would direct the children based on color…so your child does not need to know how to read music, they simply need to have knowledge of colors! 
This is a wonderful way to share the joy of music with our children, fellowship with one another in ministry, and help to build a cohesive group of kids committed to learning and growing together in faith throughout their lives…not just waiting until they are old enough to join a youth group.
Please let us know if you would like for your child/children to participate in such a group.