
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!

     What happens when the town's worst kids take over the local church's Christmas Pageant? Well, I would hope that God still manages to work through and among God's people to bring a message of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace to the world.

     The Herdman's are the worst kids in the whole history of the world. They lie and steal and smoke cigars (even the girls) and talk dirty and cuss their teachers and take the name of the Lord in vain. And…they are going to be in the Christmas Pageant!

     This Christmas classic, written by Barbara Robinson, has been sharing the joy of the Christmas Season since 1972. We're looking for actors and actresses of all ages and of varying talents to help round out the cast for this adventurous production. Lots of hands will come together to make this year's pageant a success. If you have a talent that you would like to share for the event, please let us know. Everything from Set design and building, prop gathering, costume creating, kid-wrangling, musical sharing, program typing and practicing, practicing, practicing…you name it, it needs done. Join us to be a part of one of the most fun ways to celebrate the season.

We will present the pageant on December 2nd at 5 p.m. followed by a tasting party. Come out and share your support for the youth of the church and enjoy an evening of laughter and joy and the surprise of a how God works through the most difficult situations to reveal the mystery of dwelling among us. 
