Elementary K-5th Youth Group / Acolytes



Christian Children’s Fellowship is for kindergarten through 3RD grade. The program recognizes childhood as a special time of unique joys. Group meetings are opportunities to deepen understanding of God’s love and responding to that love through acts of service and stewardship. Christian Children’s Fellowship celebrates childhood. The guiding scripture for this group is Matthew 19:14 “Let the little children come to me and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”



youth group 2022

The Junior Youth Fellowship is a fellowship group for 4th and 5th gradersThis group works as an introduction to the teen “youth group” model while allowing children to bond together in a nurturing Christian environment. Children learn the importance of growing their faith while growing in relationships with one another. They are also introduced to the mission aspect of being a practicing Christian by volunteering their (age-appropriate) efforts to various needs throughout the community. It is never too early or too late to become a part of the body of Christ. We bring this age group together to show them they are currently one in the body. 



Please check the calendar on the front page or the newsletter for meeting times for CCF or JYF.