Jeff's Journal
The second Sunday of Lent's theme is "suffering."
There is perhaps, no more common theme
that links humanity than suffering.
Pain, persecution, pressure, punishment,
plague, poverty, pandemic, poison,
perverseness, pedophilia, pathogens,
parasite, panic — and these are just
a few words beginning with the letter
"p" which allude to suffering at some level.
The Bible relates the full spectrum of
human suffering throughout its pages.
We do not read a sanitized version of
Holy Scripture, but rather we can identify
with persecution, disease and genocide.
The discussion of the nature and meaning
of suffering continues in many forums.
Suffering is the price we pay for living.
Our response to the suffering of others
and our own suffering says a lot about
who we are and what we believe.
I believe I am called to help relieve
your suffering, just as you are called
to help relieve my suffering. This may
be the essence of our purpose on this
earth. Suffering is neither good, nor bad.
But it may very well be the common
denominator which brings us together
and tests our love and resolve to
help others.
The oyster suffers the irritation of a grain
of sand and responds by covering the
grain of sand with material which becomes
a pearl.
Will you "just suffer" or will you give your life
meaning and joy by "making a pearl" in the
Moving to the deeper places,