Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018Uncategorized

Jeff's Journal

Living Green Sunday will be April 10th.

   The Green Team of the church

      will lead worship and we will reflect

      on how to be good stewards of God's creation.


Living "green", being responsible inhabitants

   of God's creation is not easy.

The use of coal produces acid rain

   and slurry ponds which break loose.

The use of nuclear power is temporarily

   clean, but a long term nightmare.

Look what is happening in Japan.


Wind turbines, water power and solar power

   are expensive and unreliable.

What are we to do?


Here is what I think.

   Living green is about considering

     how we receive and use

        God's gift of creation.


You may want to plant a tree.

   Someone else may want KU

      to do an energy audit of their house.

Another person may choose to recycle.

I don't think we get anywhere by making

   each other feel guilty about

      what we don't do.


Think of your effort to conserve energy

   and recycle valuable resources

      as a favor to our country —

         even patriotic.

Then realize you honor God

   by handing back part of what you use

      from his good earth for future

      use by yourself and others.


Moving to the deeper places,
