Jeff's Journal
Jeff’s Journal
Read Isaiah 35:1-10
The ground is frozen and white.
The air temperature is 4.
The homeless are packed into
the Hope Center and even
Arlington Christian Church.
Gloves and hats are out
and birds flock to the feeders.
Strangely enough, the text
takes us to the desert,
where life is difficult
and always a struggle.
The prophet speaks,
“Strengthen the weak hands,
and make firm the feeble knees.”
“Say to those who are of a fearful heart,
‘Be strong, do not fear.’”
The prophet knows us.
We are afraid.
We fear our enemies,
and what we do not understand.
We are shaken by losses
which come in many ways.
Only you know the depth
of your own loss.
Is there hope?
The prophet speaks.
“Here is your God.”
It is as if he is introducing
us again for the first time.
Listen. “Here is your God.”
“He will come and save you.”
Oh, I don’t know.
“Here is your God,”
opens me to all the ways
God knows and loves me.
I can’t tell you how to know
what God can do for you.
But I can say with the prophet
the words we’ve known
for a while:
“Here is your God.”
May this become clear to you
through a faith that proclaims,
“they shall obtain joy and gladness,
and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”
Moving to the deeper places,