Jeff's Journal
There is a cacophony of tweets,
screeches, cackles, chirps
and clicks emanating from
"the birds of the air,"
doing their airborne dance
for me under pillow clouded
blue skies.
Purple finches claim their perch
ready to partake of the feast
which has been prepared for them.
Stunningly bright red cardinals and their
muted mates, eat from the servings of
safflower presented for their delight
and bodily nourishment.
Periwinkle blue jays aggressively seek
a place at the feeder, temporarily
terrifying those of lesser girth.
Stout blackbirds and plump doves
find a ground buffet in the spillage
from the tiny feeders above them.
A male redbird glides from the top of
one leafless tree into the top of a
green pine fifty yards away.
Each take their turn drinking
from the bird bath prepared
with fresh water in the cool
of the early morning.
There is constant fluttering,
flapping and hovering.
Winged wonders, God's
marvelous creatures,
live their day, knowing
only that when the man
comes to the feeders
there will be more food.
Winged blessings,
forever a sign of joy and hope.
Moving to the deeper places,