Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018

Please read Isaiah 11:1-10



“My what bbutterflyig teeth you have!”

Everyone at least over 40 will

recognize that as a line from

Little Red Riding Hood, when

she encounters the wolf

dressed like her grandmother.

The wolf was treacherous and had,

well, eaten her grandmother.

I don’t think you would want to meet

a hungry wolf or wolf pack in the woods.

On the other hand, you would not mind

at all to meet a lamb — a sweet, cuddly,

bleating lamb. By itself, the lamb would

be easy prey for the wolf.

They do not make natural friends. They

are poorly matched.

You would never bring them together, unless

you wanted one less lamb.

Do you think Isaiah is talking about a wolf and

a lamb in verse 6? What do you think?

We know what would happen if you get them


Maybe Isaiah is talking about something else.

A world where the Lord’s way is done must be

more like the Lord and less like the treacherous

way we live now.

What about this?

The rich tend to and care for the poor.

The world power keeps back channels open.

The bully who could pulverize, repents.

When the child frustrates, the parent

is firm but kind.

Humiliation is silenced.

Riot police keep their heads.

Protesters vow to be peaceful.

Negotiation replaces intimidation.

Big business builds communities.

Restraint replaces impulsiveness.

Conversation replaces hostility.

The wolf lies down with the lamb.

With God, all things are possible.

This is the good news.


Moving to the deeper places,