Resolve to make every day worthy of resolutions!
January usually sees a surge in gym memberships, weight loss programs joiners and stores fill their front displays with organizational totes and paraphernalia. This happens every year. Our youth sometimes ask me what my New Year's resolutions are and they seem surprised when I tell them I don't have any.
Sometimes I do make resolutions, but I don't typically tie them to the New Year. I believe that any day is a good day to resolve to make an improvement in how we live. My resolutions usually fall into categories of three: body, mind and spirit. If I make a resolution to do something to improve my health, I'll usually add something for mind and spirit…and, likewise, if I want to add to my spiritual discipline, I'll add something for body and mind…you get the idea.
How can we, as a congregation, make resolutions for the church? How can we strengthen the 'body?' How can we expand the 'mind?' How can we grow in 'spirit?'
The Renewal Team spent the bulk of their time throughout the fall months reviewing how we worship, how we are structured, the strengths of our congregation and celebrating who we are and our roots in ministry. Now, with the new year, it's time to get to work looking at all the areas of ministry and finding ways to expand our reach, to include more members in our ministries. Maybe we can find ways to streamline our efforts so that we are able to touch more lives through our love of Christ. Perhaps we can make time to pray for our church and our people. Maybe we can create ways to share blessings.
These are some of the things we hope to accomplish as we look at every area of ministry within the church. If you’re thinking along the lines of renewal for your church, your involvement in your church, in the ministries we currently support or for new ministry options, please share your ideas and suggestions with the Renewal Team.
Members are as follows: Rev. Jeff Bell, Rev. Tracy Parker, Travis Cook, Jami Dailey, Ann Davidson, Emmett and Donna Davis, Kay and Tony Denniston, Laurel Gambill, Betsy Kephart, George Kissick, Jim Lovell, David McMillen, Jeff Miller, Melody Smart, Marie Smart and Gordon Wilson. If you’d like to know more about the work this team is doing and seeking to do, please inquire! They would like nothing more than to hear from your and to know you care about the work of the church.