Resurrection requires death.
Death is sacrifice on Good Friday.
The sacrifice is our salvation.
We descend into hopeless despair,
it appears, after Jesus dies
on the cross.
The disciples hide, afraid and
anxious about themselves.
They are yet unwilling to die
in similar fashion for the cause.
Then Jesus returns.
He is alive.
He teaches them, through his presence,
God’s ultimate power to transform
hopelessness into hope, anxiety into
peace, despair into unfettered joy.
All this time has passed
and we still stand at the foot of the cross,
gaze into the empty tomb and place
our fingers into his wounds
in the upper room.
Just as the disciples were transformed
now willing to give everything for him
so, we too, are asked to make full
commitment to serving Jesus.
Will resurrection and the living Jesus
make any difference to us this Easter?
Moving to the deeper places,