Supporting Partners in Oklahoma
Week of Compassion is responding to the tornados that struck the Oklahoma City metropolitan area on Sunday and Monday. Our staff has been in touch with the Oklahoma Regional Office, and is currently working with them to assess needs affecting Disciples, and will—as always—work with our churches and Disciples Volunteering to discern the best way to contribute to the long-term recovery of affected communities across Oklahoma City and beyond.
At this point, only skilled first-responders are permitted to enter affected areas. If you would like to help out, the best thing you can do is to Pray, Pay, and Stay: pray for those affected, contribute to immediate needs by reaching out through Week of Compassion, and stay where you are.
The time for volunteers will come, but it is not today!
We continue to keep Moore and all areas affected by disasters in our prayers.
Thank you for all of the
ways you partner with us and support those in need.