
Taking Chances

hope2Chances are your cell phone never leaves your side….but there is hope that you can still find quiet time and contentment with the creator from time to time.

Chances are you will work very hard at something productive this week….but there is hope that you will take the time to work very hard at something that brings you joy.

Chances are you will experience a few sleepless nights in your lifetime….but there is hope that when you do sleep, it is a quiet rest that restores body and soul to the harmony God intended.

Chances are you will have your heart broken a time or two….but there is hope that you will continue to open yourself up to the joyous experiences which come from loving and being loved.

Chances are you will face a serious medical diagnosis in your lifetime….but there is hope that in the midst of those moments the power of God’s love will be revealed to you in the people who gather around to love you through it.

Chances are you will grieve the loss of a great love in your life….but there is hope you will soon realize what a gift it was to love so deeply.

Chances are your days will know a few tears from time to time….but there is hope they will see more laughter more often.

Chances are you will learn something new today….and there is hope you will teach it to another.

Chances are someone will tell you they love you today….and there is hope you will return that love.

Chances are someone will stir your anger today….but there is hope the anger will be short-lived and productive.

Chances are you will run into someone you’ve never met today….there is hope you will take a moment to appreciate them anyway.

Chances are you will spend some money today….there is hope that as you do so, you are grateful you have it to spend.

Chances are the sun will rise, the grass will grow, flowers will bloom, birds will fly and a neighbor’s dog will bark today…there is hope we will enjoy the beauty this day brings.

Chances are you won’t open and read your newsletter today….there is hope that you will still know we love you and offer prayers in your name.

Chances are you will look around you and know that God is near today….and there is hope that God will look upon you and know you are near to God.
