
Thank you…

The recognition and gift card for the cross2Week of Ministry, were a complete surprise.

The gift card to Pericos allowed me to take the staff to eat together there and there is still more left to be able to treat my family.

The reception with punch and cookies was thoughtful and allowed me to speak to  several members about our time together here at FCC.

What was funny, was that at the beginning of the sermon, I reflected on the text where Paul was telling everyone to honor and support their spiritual leaders in the church.

My comment was, "This means love your minister."

At the end of the sermon, Mac McCracken comes forward and presents Tracy and myself cards expressing appreciation including gift cards to restaurants.

I remarked, "Mac, this is the quickest response to something I said in a sermon in my whole career."

Well, I appreciate you too, more each day. Your generosity, kindness, spiritual maturity and devotion to serving the community and the world is remarkable.

Together, we walk this journey of life and build the church of Jesus Christ for his purposes in the world.

May we continue to be bold, filled with hope and ready to serve with the joy of Jesus in our hearts.

Moving to the deeper places,