
The Busy-ness of Fall Begins!

Your Christian Education Team has been very busy this summer gearing up for an exciting fall full of wonderful events and programming. Please take a moment to make sure you and your family are fully involved in all the ministry opportunities of the church for our upcoming fall season.

  • 8/6/11 at 9 a.m. folks will gather to clean and prep the pre-school Sunday School classroom.
  • 8/14/11 during worship Children Worship & Wonder will resume with an orientation session.
  • 9/7/11 at 7 p.m. CYF youth group meetings will resume for our High School Youth.
  • 9/11/11 at 12:30 p.m. Chi-Rho youth group meetings will resume for our Middle School Youth.
  • 9/11/11 at 6:30 p.m. our first ever Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University classes will begin.
  • 9/18/11 during worship we will have Promotion Sunday for children promoting from classes.
  • Christian Education is working to begin a monthly Adult Bible Study hosted on a rotating basis by the many ministers who are a part of our faith family.
  • Myra Miller will soon begin a Children's Choir and is seeking interested participants.
  • Myra Miller will also soon be resurrecting our Handbell Choir (open to all ages). Please see her if you have an interest in helping the choir in bringing beautiful music to our worship experiences. 
  • Wonderful Wednesdays will soon resume and many plans are in the making for creating great opportunities to gather this fall.

These are only a few of the opportunities to gather to work, learn and fellowship together in the very near future. Please mark your calendars for these important events and join us as much as possible.
