

     Advent begins Sunday.
     The word means "coming" and we expect the Lord focusing on his first and second coming during four weeks of preparation.
     Purple and gold are the regal colors of a king.  For us the King of kings. Paraments adorn the pulpit, lectern and communion table.
     Evergreen and wreaths remind us of eternal life.
     Red ribbons recall the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross.
     Banners tell the story of the birth of salvation.
     Symbols on the tree are a fish for the church, the Chi Rho for Christ, the Triangle for the Trinity, the chalice for the Lord's Supper and more.
    The tree points heavenward and the lights recall the light of the world.
     White candles for purity of Christ when lit overcome the darkness of our lives.
     The creche is a visual reminder of the joys and struggles of the holy family bringing Jesus into a flesh and blood world.
     Special offerings meet human need as we were taught to do by Jesus.
     Advent is four weeks of personal and corporate spiritual preparation for the coming of Jesus.
     Make room for him.

     Moving to the deeper places,