Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018

Being a Disciple…


(This is being written during the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) meeting in Columbus, Ohio.)

What I Like About Being a Disciple

Our professions of faith establishes firmly our discipleship in Jesus Christ.  "I believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God and I accept him as my Lord and Savior."

Jesus is Savior. We are forgiven.  Baptism by immersion is a most powerful symbol of the cleansing and purifying presence of Christ in our lives.

We celebrate the Lord's Supper weekly, so as not to forget the power of Jesus life and death for us.

The Lord's Supper is open to all believers. We do not believe we have the authority to keep another believer from the table that Jesus opened with his love.

We believe that the Bible is God's living, breathing word, which speaks to us with multiple layers of meaning throughout our lives.

We have no creed, no lengthy test of faith and do not impose on believers rigid systems of conformance to a certain set of expectations.

We live in community with each other with much grace and love.

Through the years, I have observed other church traditions who specifically made certain categories of people at least "second class believers" in their church family or actually removed people from their roles and asked them not to come back.

Most Disciples would not do that.

We have been on the forefront of racial reconciliation, the inclusion of women in leadership and the open discussion of many issues relevant to the concerns of the people.

The Bible is the word of God, given to us in history. Each person must approach the text with integrity and faith, discovering the wonder and mystery of God there. An ordained minister can only help, but cannot force conclusions on any person of faith in the body of Christ.

This church has challenged me and led me to new places in my faith.

I have been mentored and taught by people of mature faith who value religious freedom and believe a relationship with the living Christ in the central matter of faith before us.

Through it all, I have been loved by others who call themselves Disciples.

I am glad that I am a Disciple.

I hope you are glad as well.

Moving to the deeper places,