
Christian Church in Kentucky Biennial Assembly Sept. 22-24, 2016

Assembly Graphic 2016The 2016 Assembly will be held September 22-24 at Crestwood Christian Church in Lexington. The Assembly’s theme is Grounded, Growing, Overflowing and is based on the words in Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV):  So then, just as you receive Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

The theme of the Assembly will focus on reframing the language we use to describe ourselves as church, as region, as congregations and partners in covenant with one another.  Instead of using the language of scarcity and doing ministry from that mindset, as we are inclined to do these days, we intend to focus on being grounded in tradition and growing in faith, rooted in tradition and reaching out in Discipleship. We want not to focus on decline or scarcity, but rather, to call on our tradition, and to look at who we are and where we have been, as we discern our call as a church today and into the future.

We will hear special messages from Kentucky Disciples ministers, Kathryn Welch Perry, Joey Pusateri, and Darrell Hayden, and from Christian Church (DOC) in the US and Canada General Minister and President, Sharon Watkins. We will worship together, fellowship around many tables, and grow spiritually and practically from our time together.