
What does it mean to 'Rock the Boat'?

We've all heard it…"Just don't rock the boat!" I've used this phrase with my girls…especially the one that lives in D.C. and always called me to say, "Mom, if you get a call saying I've been arrested, don't worry. I already have bail money and a friend is ready to come bail me out." I know, not exactly the call from college you want to hear. And, yes, these were frequent occurrences during those years. That's what I get for raising a globally conscious citizen. Of course I was always proud of her between moments of worry. Otherwise, I'm certain it would never have appeared in this newsletter. 

     But what are we saying when we boldly proclaim that WE ROCK THE BOAT? Our theme for Vacation Bible School this years is, "I Rocked the Boat at First Christian Church." What will we be teaching our children? Well, for starters, we'll be teaching them about several Biblical characters who did just that…people who did radical things and helped people come to know God in new ways. People who changed the thinking of their time. People who didn't even try to fit in. People who had strong relationships with God and brought the Good News of God's saving grace to humanity. People who saw God as one on the side of the oppressed and marginalized. 

    Then, hopefully, we can teach them to begin to look at their own world to recognize the oppressed and marginalized–even in their own communities. Our aim is to teach them the all-encompassing love of God through Christ and strengthen their relationship with God so they will be able to 'Rock the Boat' and work for change, peace, justice, forgiveness and love in the world. We want to show them that God calls us to a higher standard to live by and that going along with the culture may sometimes prove counter to our faith. We'll be sharing stories from the Bible of those who worked for these things–and some were quite reluctant to do so. 

     Ultimately, we want to open their hearts, minds and souls to love God as much as God already loves them and to provide an understanding that we are called into a relationship with God. We are called to be God's eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet and heart in the world–to help bring about God's Kingdom on Earth. 

     Won't you join us and become Boat Rockers yourself?
