Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018

“Doubting Thomas??”

Doubting Thomas

Please read John 20:19-31

The body had been placed in the tomb.

Though the disciples had been told about the resurrection, they huddled in fear for their lives and in despair at the death of their Lord whom they loved.

It was at that moment, that Jesus came into their midst to offer, of all things, peace.

Come to think of it, when do we need to have peace pronounced on us, than when we are feeling anything but peace.

This is further proof that Jesus wisdom is, without question, superior.

Having said that, we move to the arrival of Thomas in the room. He was not there when Jesus first appeared. What was amazing, was that he would not believe ten or more of his colleagues who testified to what they saw and heard.

He wanted first hand proof.

You could imagine Jesus reprimanding him.

But that is not what happened.

He gave him what he wanted – proof of the resurrection.

Many make much of Thomas’ doubt. “Doubting Thomas” they say. The implication is “don’t be a doubting Thomas.”

Here is the thing, however.

Thomas’ doubt led to belief, a stronger faith.

“My Lord and my God,” was surely said with awestruck humility.

Thomas was back in the fold.

Our doubts can consume us or they can lead to deeper faith.

Which will it be for you?

Moving to the deeper places,