Jeff's Journal
Our Lenten theme for Sunday is love.
Please read Matthew 22: 34-40, Matthew 5:43-48,
and 1 Corinthians 13:13
"For God so loved the world…"
Most of you can complete that phrase
from John 3:16.
We take that as evidence
that our creation and all of creation
was a expression of Holy love.
The ground we walk on is consecrated
with the pure love of a God who sought
companionship and joyous obedience
from the very humanity he spoke
into the fullness of life.
Love is the spiritual glue
that keeps the world from blowing apart,
relationships from becoming vendettas,
and friendships from turning sour.
Love is the only thing that has the power
to bring enemies to peace.
Love is about the only thing
that makes life worth living.
We will talk about love this Sunday.
Don't miss it!
Moving to the deeper places,