
More Camp Wonderings

This story is not one of my own, but it is just too good not to share.

     A counselor walks into the bath house and all the stalls are full so she waits patiently for her turn. She overhears a conversation between two campers that goes like this…

     "Ok, it starts with, 'Our Father, who art in Heaven.'"
      The second child repeats, "Our Father, who art in Heaven."
      First child: "Hallowed be thy name."
      Second child: " What does that mean?
      First Child: "It means God is Holy."
      Second Child: "Ok, Hallowed be thy name."
      First child: "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done."
      Second child: "What does that mean?"
      First child: "It means we want our world to look like God's world."
      Second child: "Oh, cool, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done."

     This goes back and forth until the one little girl learned the Lord's Prayer. Later in the day the small group these girls are in is leading Vespers and we recite the Lord's Prayer together as a group. We're not sure who the two conversants in the bathhouse were, but what an incredible witness they shared and what an incredible joy to know about this interaction!

     These past two weeks I've shared with you only two stories from my three weeks at camp this year. Many, many more stories could be shared about the wonder, generosity, hospitality, gratitude and living in God's love that occurs each and every day at church camp. Many of you helped make these weeks possible by helping support the Region, Outdoor Ministries, the Youth Ministries of First Christian Church and even by sponsoring a camper to go to camp. Parents have encouraged their children to give it a try and to even miss out on part of the summer sports programs that so many are involved in, as well as live for an entire week without their little loved ones at home. These are just a few of the ways you have helped to touch lives through Christ. Thank you for your generosity and support to the camp programs of our denomination!
