Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018

What is the one definitive statement that you can make about your faith?

one-wordOne sentence is all you are allowed for this exercise. It can be a long sentence or a short sentence.

In that sentence, capture the essence of what your faith means to you in belief and in practice. “I believe this, so I do that,” kind of statement.

When you compose such a sentence, then you have put words to your “witness.”

Your witness is the testimony you give to the truth as you see it in Jesus Christ.

One sentence, offered in love, is often enough to plant a seed of saving grace in the life of another person.

You need not preach or lecture or pontificate or palaver (as my grandfather used to say.)

When the time is right, you tell your faith story in one simple belief and action statement. This becomes a part of you. You know why you believe it and you live it. Then it is natural to share it.

Is there more to say about the faith?  Oh my goodness yes! Volumes more. We spend a lifetime coming to terms with what the Bible says, how the Spirit moves, building relationships in his name, greeting, welcoming, inviting, including, in the church.

The day will come when someone will ask, in so many words, “What  does “it” for you? (Meaning, what is your passionate center that guides everything you do?)

I will tell them, “Jesus leads me to joy.”

If they say, “Tell me more,” I will.

What would you tell them?

Moving to the deeper places,

(This is a question we will consider at the meeting on October 18th from 6-8 p.m.)