
Renewal, Revitalization, Transformation, Growth…

renewal-1These are all buzz-words for a process that every thriving church goes through on periodic basis…whether they do so intentionally or not. It is a natural part of forward motion. When we get set in our ways, cease to grow ourselves spiritually or grow our congregation by adding to our community, we suffer and God’s kingdom suffers.

As a community of faith we are continually called to perpetual motion in the direction of strengthening relationships: with God, with one another, with the communities where we serve and with the world at large. We continuously seek to engage one another and the world around us in our efforts to be relevant in the process of Kingdom Building and in the process of striving to live lives as authentic Christians. This is a part of what it means to be a people of faith.

Intentionally looking closely ourselves, our congregation and our ministries helps us live into God’s call to First Christian Church to always seek ways to serve. Purposefully going through the process of introspection as a congregation allows us to see the places where we need to direct more attention. Self-evaluation allows us to see where we need to transform ourselves to become more welcoming to Gods people. Holding the mirror up in front of us allows opportunities to renew our commitments as followers of Christ. Intentional time of prayer and listening for God’s answers enable us to revitalize ministries that provide compassion, justice and mercy in our hurting world. Seeking that areas of our lives in need of faithful nourishment fosters personal growth which brings us closer together as a community of faith and strengthens our relationships with God and one another in the process.

In the near future, you will be hearing more about Renewal, Revitalization, Transformation and Growth as we seek to live out the gospel and explore those deeper places of connection as we encounter the thin spaces where God’s presence is more fully known and recognized. Our Lenten Journey is not only about walking the road to Calvary, it is about carrying our crosses and recognizing the crosses others carry. It is about living lives of resurrection and transformation as we continually seek God in the ordinary times of our lives and in one another.

As always, we are extremely grateful to each of you for choosing to travel with us…for seeking your own Renewal, Revitalization, Transformation and Growth as we go.
