
So Many to Thank!

heart of handsOne of my favorite movies has one of the best endings…two main characters are driving down a road discussing the events they just experienced. The guy laments the fact that it wasn’t really a success because he wanted to win on his own and he didn’t because an old friend had to help him. The girl dramatically exclaims what a horror that is and sarcastically goes through a litany of all types of scenarios where he doesn’t win on his own, but must, instead, have to thank other people for helping him along the way. The movie is a romantic comedy and the ending was obvious irony, but the sentiment sits with me often. So much in life is hard and we strive to be independent, self-sufficient, strong, capable individuals but the reality is usually that there are always others who deserve our appreciation…and this is a really good thing.

In ministry, the best scenarios are those which end with long lists of individuals and groups of people to thank. This means we are working together, sharing a vision and passion, helping one another along the way and living intentionally in a loving, caring community of faith. This is what we always strive to achieve when planning anything in the life of the church.

With that, there are so many debts of gratitude to be expressed…Thank You!

To those of you who bought meal tickets, desserts or plants…

To those who purchased the labor of one of our youth…and spent time with them as they worked…

To those who attended special worship services or activities led by our youth…and told them what a great job they did…

To those who ask a youth to help in church leadership, or include a youth on committees…and praise them for the work they accomplish and for the courage to give it a try…

To those who invite and patiently guide and encourage our youth through the planning processes of church…and those who persist in getting them more involved…

To those who always encourage our youth to participate in all the ministries of the church…and then compliment and congratulate them when they do…

To those who keep up with our kids and what they do in life, sending notes, stopping them to chat, asking and listening when they answer…and who are genuinely concerned about their welfare…

To those who work to help them along when they plan activities within the life of the church…those who are parents and grandparents, as well as those who are not…

To those who speak so highly to others about the ministries of the church and all the wonderful things we try to do and be for this community…those events that are about the children and youth of the church and also those which are not…

To everyone of you who make First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) a wonderful community of faith, THANK YOU! You put the ‘Disciple’ in Disciples of Christ!
