
T minus 4 and Counting!


Vacation Bible School’s Big Jungle Adventure fast approaches! There is so much work done, being done and yet to be done. The largest task at hand right now is making sure we get those registrations in and making sure everyone who plans to help with our big event is in place and on board with the tasks of the week. If you have not registered your child, grandchild, great grandchild, niece, nephew, friend, neighbor or child down the street…please get those in via our website or stop by the VBS table in the fellowship hall. If you’ve not decided to volunteer your time, please do so soon!

Here are a few of the simpler ways you can help out the week of VBS if you still have not decided what, how or even if you can help…

  • Kitchen help—prepping the meal, serving the meal, clean-up afterwards.
  • Registrations—sit at a table and warmly greet newcomers: help them register their children for our event.
  • Extra Hands—each small group, or tribe, will be lead by an adult and aided by a youth but many times an extra hand is needed in certain situations or on days when a leader or youth cannot make it to VBS for various reasons.
  • Clean-up—each evening we’ll need to clean up after ourselves and prepare for the next day’s activities. Your help could make things a lot easier for our volunteers and help them get home to their families earlier each evening.
  • Friday Night or Saturday Clean-up—after the event we’ll need to clear away VBS and be ready for worship on Sunday morning.
  • Prayer—each and every day remember our volunteers and the children we serve with this ministry in prayer. Prayer for lives to be transformed by the love of Christ, prayer for a new relationship with God and prayer for a fun and safe week together.
