Jeff's Journal 2010 - 2018

VBS through my eyes…

Walk with me throueyesgh the wonderful maze of Vacation Bible School and see things through my eyes for a moment.

There are willing and cheerful volunteers everywhere eager to serve and lead.

Children we do not know come excited to be a part of Camp Wee Kon Da-Ho.

“I’m Jeff. What’s your name?” They tell me and I tell them how glad I am to see them.

Grandchildren, children and more come through those doors every night.

Leadership has sweated the details.  Group leaders committed and showed up to lead recreation, music, crafts, snacks and more.

Pictures were taken of every grinning, toothy smile and even the toothless ones.

The massive set in the sanctuary speaks to the love of our children. paper trails have been put down all over the church.

The craft room is a beehive of activity, with no place for the fainthearted as they scramble to get the crafts done on schedule.

Homemade chocolate pudding and whipped cream appeared one evening.  Wow!

Other snacks that are created reflect the camp theme.

Adult leaders join in the kid games at their own risk.  Ask the leader who hit the floor last night.

There is one child who came crying because she didn’t know anybody.  And she stayed after some tender loving care by the staff.  Another could not be consoled.  We will miss him.

There are little girls who want to sit together. There are boys who want to make friends.

Fun songs ring out from the chapel.

Scripture is read.

Lessons are taught.

Everyone you ask, “Are you coming back tomorrow night?” say, “Yes.”

One outreach craft will have planters with the French fleur de lis on the side delivered to the Senior Center, the fire department and other places throughout Paris.                                

Stepping stones will be placed in the church gardens.

Many are already exhausted from the work and the intensity of the experience, but soldier on till Bible School is done.

One of the really great things about VBS is how many people become involved in the planning and implementing of what we are doing.

I suspect it takes 30 – 40 volunteers to make this happen.

Thank you to each one who has given so much of your time and energy to make a wonderful week for the kids.

Moving to the deeper places,