
Camp Wee Kon Da Ho!

working together

Vacation Bible School is about a month away! So many people are working so hard to bring this special event together. Stories, Games, Crafts, Music, Snacks and Meals and decorations are all in the planning stages. Supply lists are planned and volunteers are being searched out. And, with every stage of the planning process, the safety of our children and the hope and prayer that those who join us for this event will joyfully encounter God through our efforts remains a priority.

Choosing the camp theme was relatively easy. Each leader involved in the process understood the tremendous benefits church camp played in their own faith development. As we gathered for a planning meeting, we, once again, shared fond memories of the years spent in this sacred place…but it was more than location that made camp so special to individuals. Camp experiences solidify what it means to be part of the body of Christ for many. The unique individuals who come together year after year and open themselves to the transforming power of God become THE CHURCH. Camp provides the place for that transformation. VBS can also play a part in that process.

One of our VBS Directors shared how excited she was about Vacation Bible School this year. She understands that for our youngest participants, this will be an introduction into what we all hope will be a lifetime of dedication to church camp…attending and later supporting through time, talent and treasure. Camp is exciting to me because I understand how campers can become the support of the church through their time, talent and treasure.

While we gather in the early days of July (6th-10th) to celebrate God’s transforming power in ourselves and our children through VBS ministry, we celebrate and support the camp ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The offerings we collect throughout the week of Vacation Bible School will be craft and cleaning supplies which we will donate to Camp Wakon Da Ho.

Please lend your efforts to making this year’s Vacation Bible School a fun, memorable, safe and transforming experience for our children, for our volunteers and for the families we will welcome through our doors.
