Holy Humor Sunday
Easter Sunday we gathered to a packed sanctuary and heard the wonderful story of the empty tomb. It was a day of great joy to celebrate God's triumph over death…but why end there? Why not carry that message of joy into the Easter Season?
In the early centuries of the Christian church the Greeks began a custom based on the musings of theologians such as: Augustine, Gregory of Nyssa and John Chrysostom, called Risus Paschalis–the Easter laugh. The days following Easter, including "Bright Sunday" were celebrated as days of laughter and joy. Resurrection was God's supreme practical joke played on death. Death is no longer the end and that which awaits humanity is the greatest joy we have yet to know.
While the Bible and our Worship together is a serious voice to our faith, worship should also carry within it that other important element of human life: Humor. Life is filled with challenges and sorrows to which faith provides comfort and care. But life also includes tremendous joys to which our faith should celebrate. Holy Humor Sunday is intended to be a lighthearted worship service with laughter and jokes to celebrate and commemorate the joy of Christ's resurrection.
Sunday, April 12th we will celebrate Holy Humor Sunday and we need your help to make this service joyful for everyone. Bring with you for worship a joyful heart, a fun-loving spirit and an infectious laugh. Share with your family of faith the many ways your walk with Christ brings you great joy. If you have an amusing anecdote or joke that is appropriate for all audiences, please share it with us.
Like the Great Awakening which occurred in the land following Jesus’ resurrection, be prepared to share good news and great joy with others, for Christ is Risen, indeed! We are called to be a people of that joy because the resurrection is present in us still today. Humor has great power to look at life truthfully and boldly and to offer healing where this is much pain or suffering. We know the suffering of the world and we often know the pain of our friends and neighbors. While we cannot heal every illness or answer every call, we can offer some measure of comfort and joy into the lives of others. Join us for a day of great fun and celebration this week as we celebrate Holy Humor Sunday!